Mt. Miminashi (a mountain in Kashihara City, Nara Prefecture) (耳成山)

Mt. Miminashi is a mountain in Kashihara City, Nara Prefecture.


Get off at Miminashi Station of Kintetsu Osaka Line. Miminashiyama Park is placed to the south of Mt. Miminashi, and it is known as a cherry blossom viewing spot. It is one of the three Mountains of Yamato, and is the northernmost mountain among them.

This mountain is an erosion landform, a part of a volcanic rock, which had been eructated in Tertiary period, remained after erosion. Therefore, it is not a volcano itself. During the way to the mountaintop, a few spots have a view through trees, while there are spots where Mt. Unebi, one of the three Mountains of Yamato, can be viewed. However, on the mountaintop, there is no spot for a view as it is not specially maintained. Miminashi Yamaguchi-jinja Shrine is located in the place which is a little lower than the mountaintop of Mt. Miminashi.

From the train of Kintetsu Osaka Line running between Yamato-Yagi Station and Miminashi Station, an almost perfectly triangle shaped Mt. Miminashi can be viewed.


It is a tumulus with a dome-shaped mound on a square base, and it is said to be the Misasagi (Imperial mausoleum) of Okimi in ancient times. Yamaguchi-jinja Shrine is located in the lower part of the area in the vicinity of the mountaintop. On the mountaintop, there is a stone pillar which has an inscription; the place where Emperor Meiji visited for and supervised an army exercise.

[Original Japanese]